This morning I was sitting at my computer for four hours processing Sam's senior pictures. We got some great shots for it being a rainy morning and only having one hour.
As I sat here this morning looking outside my huge windows here in the office I could see it was a beautiful day but I could hear the strong wind. When I was finished with Sam's pictures I felt the need to be outside but because of the strong wind I really wasn't in the mood to hit the highway on my bike. Strong headwinds are awesome when they are at your back! I decided to go MOUNTAIN BIKING instead! Me...mountain biking?!!!! I loaded up the 105 pound bike into the back of my jeep and went to my favorite get away that offers lots of timber, a few gravel roads and lots of trails. I started off riding the roads and even though it was very bumpy I was enjoying the fact that the trees were blocking the wind.
I was appreciating the warm weather and the chance to ride even though I was riding fat nobby tires on gravel and grass. In this area there are many trails that wind through the timber and along the creek. I am very thankful to have such a beautiful and peaceful place to get away.
While riding I kept seeing paths that went deep into the timber. The adventuresome soul that I am I decided to head into the timber. I knew I could do it I just had to gear down and take it slow. Slow...I didn't have a choice! Ruts, tree roots and hanging limbs forced me to be very cautious. Then I started to head down hill! "Okay, take it easy". Then a little voice in my head told me to get the peddles up/horizontal or they will get caught on something. Well, the voice didn't tell me soon enough because I bit the trail. I couldn't get my shoes clipped out soon enough to catch myself so there I lay in the thorns, thistle and something green that I hope was not poison ivy. I should have had a camera! I picked myself up, pulled thorns out of my hands, checked the gash in my knee then got back on the bike to find the quickest way back to the road.
Ridiculous!!!! Oh my goodness!! I wish I would have had a camera.
Home again.....
Have a wonderful weekend. No matter what age you are and no matter what the weather is like go outside and play.
Enjoy the pictures of Sam.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
THE APARTMENT.....Drish Photography's newest spot
We are very excited to announce...THE APARTMENT! This has been a project that we have working on for several weeks cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning. It all started last year when I took a senior up to an abandanded apartment that she use to live in as a little girl to take a few senior pictures. It was a great space with lots of natural lighting, arches, brick and french doors. One Saturday afternoon Angel Ponce, Haley Hammes and Amanda worked very hard hauling out trash down a flight of rickety steps, sweeping and cleaning windows. At the end of the day Amanda and Angel made a trip to the local True Value to choose a color to paint one wall. They chose an awesome color and were excited to start painting. So...thank you guys for helping achieve this dream and now next years seniors will have a unique spot.

THE APARTMENT in downtown Washington is an awesome addition to Drish Photography's country studio. The best of both worlds. Thank you Angel, Haley and Amanda for all your help and thank you Jerra, Jackie and again Angel for spending a little time to help me capture some great images.
Join me at "Linda Drish Facebook" to see more images.
My next project is updating the website with weddings, families and children.
Thank you for stopping by. Please feel free to leave comments.

Friday, April 10, 2009
The journalistic approach to friends and family. Scroll down to view the pictures AND THE VIDEO!
Sunday afternoon fun with my girls.
Good morning world. Well, they are not really my girls accept one and that would be Amanda, my trusting, talented and wonderful daughter. The others are Kristi, Whitney, Jenna and Nicole. Years ago Amanda and Kristi met at a horse stable and became very good friends. Kristi graduated in 2008 from Iowa City West and I had the privilege of taking her senior pictures. The summer of '08 Kristi's two great friends Jenna and Nicole came to DP for their pictures and of course I wanted to adopt both of them. Whitney is Kristi's sister and she will be graduating in 2010 and we already have a start on her pictures for the year.
I would like to mention that all these girls are three time STATE CHAMPIONS in track!!! They are very dedicated young women!
Several weeks ago on a WARM Sunday afternoon the girls plus Kristi and Whitney's parents met for coffee at the Java House in downtown Iowa City and we then ventured through the alleys and streets taking fun fun pictures! This type of photographing is different than the typical posed pictures. It is a journalistic approach to capturing an event and is very popular with wedding photography. I wanted to try this with seniors and families because I knew it would be great fun plus the images would be...just different. I will post a few of the images to view but be sure and watch the video from yesterdays post to really get the feel of our afternoon.
Amanda came along as my second shooter for this journalistic session to help capture awesome shots but when it was time for her to leave I had this second camera dangling from my hip and was just plain getting in my way. I handed the camera to Steve and he started taking pictures not only of the girls and Karen but he also stole a few shots of me. So, I must give credit to Steve and Amanda for helping capture our day.
Seniors and families the photo journalistic way.... What should we call it? I have been asking clients, my board of directors and friends and someone came up with the idea of a street photobooth. Hmmmm.....what do you think. Leave me a comment and tell me your thoughts.
My work....I'll mention again that I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I wake up each morning excited to start my day. Yes, it's tiring to own and run a business! The photography business for me though is very rewarding.
Have a great Easter and God bless all of you.
Keep checking back because I will be posting more news and videos in the next few days to come.
I would like to mention that all these girls are three time STATE CHAMPIONS in track!!! They are very dedicated young women!
Several weeks ago on a WARM Sunday afternoon the girls plus Kristi and Whitney's parents met for coffee at the Java House in downtown Iowa City and we then ventured through the alleys and streets taking fun fun pictures! This type of photographing is different than the typical posed pictures. It is a journalistic approach to capturing an event and is very popular with wedding photography. I wanted to try this with seniors and families because I knew it would be great fun plus the images would be...just different. I will post a few of the images to view but be sure and watch the video from yesterdays post to really get the feel of our afternoon.
Amanda came along as my second shooter for this journalistic session to help capture awesome shots but when it was time for her to leave I had this second camera dangling from my hip and was just plain getting in my way. I handed the camera to Steve and he started taking pictures not only of the girls and Karen but he also stole a few shots of me. So, I must give credit to Steve and Amanda for helping capture our day.
Seniors and families the photo journalistic way.... What should we call it? I have been asking clients, my board of directors and friends and someone came up with the idea of a street photobooth. Hmmmm.....what do you think. Leave me a comment and tell me your thoughts.
My work....I'll mention again that I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I wake up each morning excited to start my day. Yes, it's tiring to own and run a business! The photography business for me though is very rewarding.
Have a great Easter and God bless all of you.
Keep checking back because I will be posting more news and videos in the next few days to come.
Dp Fotoboothing
This was such a fun afternoon with Kristi, Whitney, Nicole, Jenna, Amanda, Steve and Karen. Thank you Steve for taking over as my second shooter when Amanda had to leave. Love you guys! You gave me a great memory.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Seniors....a few of my favorites. I am gonna say it! Hello world! We have been very busy here at the studio preparing for our Senior Xtravaganza on April 18 & 19 at Dodici's Shop in Washington. If you haven't heard about it and if you are a 2010 Senior and a parent we would love to have you join us. If you come you receive discounts on your senior pictures and if you need more information please send me an email.
In the next few days I will be uploading a few videos and also announcing my "secret". It is a project we have been working very hard on for our next year seniors and we are so excited to share it with you.
Now here's the mushie stuff. I am going to mention again that I love my work and I especially love my seniors. I am not only taking their pictures but am also experiencing a little bit of their lives. We normally spend about three hours venturing in and out of the alleys in Washington and Iowa City, the parks, ponds and farms. I have the honor of getting to know them and trying to capture their unique personalities. They are all great!!!!! There has been a few seniors that just keep coming back for tea. My home and facebook has become a place where we meet and chat about pictures and life. In the next few days I will be sharing my secret and sharing a little bit about a few relationships and the fun we have experienced.
I am sharing a video with you that has LOTS of pictures of 09 SENIORS and just a few others from the last couple of years. I hope you enjoy viewing.
SENIORS.....thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to take your pictures and getting to know you! It has been a wonderful year and you have given me some great memories. To Chad...I think your session was the most memorable in Iowa City. It was RUSH week but mostly the memory of the gentleman under the stairway that gave you his cowboy hat to KEEP was the best. Again, to all of you thank you! You have been awesome.
My best wishes as you end your senior year and venture into the college world. I'll end this post with...
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." Henry David Thoureau
And...God Bless You.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Mumble jumble kind of day!
I am sitting here with my cup of mint tea wandering again how to start. For some reason whenever I start blogging I wanna say...."hello world". I will save you and just start posting.
Today was a mumble jumble sort of day starting with the ongoing process of pricing analysis and designing marketing material for our upcoming seniors. Rachel is a blessing to have here to toss around ideas with. Should we do red or blue? Should we do bifold, trifold or flat! Oh my goodness I needed to go for a walk.
Well, here is where the mumble jumble begins. I tried to put all business behind me and take my dog to our HOLY LAND for a much needed romp in the woods. Really, there is a HOLY LAND in SE Iowa. It is a place with an abundance of wildlife, streams, trees, fresh air, me and God. My HOLY LAND is a place where I try saying a few prayers but today I could not stay focused. The more I tried the more my thoughts were bouncing all over the place.
GARBAGE...what a thing to think about. What started this process was my visit to Dodici Shop with Amanda last weekend. Our dear friend Alex was educating Amanda about plastic in the sea that is twice the size of Texas. So, of course I did some research and was shocked. If you Google "garbage in the sea" and watch a little youtube you will see what Alex was talking about. Also visit
Have you ever visited your local dump sight? Large dumbsters lined up full of garbage bags with who knows what in them. Plastic, cans, paper and numerous other stuff filled to the rim in those big black bags. Each week I take my garbage to the dump so I am constantly reminded to RECYCLE!
OUR COMMUNITY...we do have such a wonderful community! Saturday morning we attended a breakfast at Faith Baptist Church for Little Eden. I had a hard time holding back the tears as I watched so many volunteers devoting their time for a great cause. Why...because their hearts are filled with love!
FACEBOOK, BLOG, EMAIL, GOOGLE SEARCHES....COMPUTERS! As I sit here doing my viral marketing and computer research time slips away! Time that should be spent with family, baking cookies, custard or reading a good book.
Bouncing thoughts....oh my.
I ended my walk and attempted to go to the grocery store with my 70 lb Pete still in the Jeep. I was only going to get milk and eggs which should only have taken 10 minutes but of course I visit with all the nice people. I then spotted a beautiful little girl and said to myself...I want to photograph her. I went to the parking lot to calm Mr. Pete and waited for the little girl and her parents so I could approach these strangers and a plead with them to take her picture. My kids and pseudo kids would say...."you are so weird".
It has been an interesting day. I should be writing about photography and uploading beautiful images for you to see because I am sure that is why you stopped by. I wander how much I will edit this post or maybe even delete it all.
For you Miss Elisabeth...I will not delete.
Have a great week! I will upload a few love pictures to leave you with. Thanks for listening and feel free to leave me a post even if its to say... "you are weird".
Today was a mumble jumble sort of day starting with the ongoing process of pricing analysis and designing marketing material for our upcoming seniors. Rachel is a blessing to have here to toss around ideas with. Should we do red or blue? Should we do bifold, trifold or flat! Oh my goodness I needed to go for a walk.
Well, here is where the mumble jumble begins. I tried to put all business behind me and take my dog to our HOLY LAND for a much needed romp in the woods. Really, there is a HOLY LAND in SE Iowa. It is a place with an abundance of wildlife, streams, trees, fresh air, me and God. My HOLY LAND is a place where I try saying a few prayers but today I could not stay focused. The more I tried the more my thoughts were bouncing all over the place.
GARBAGE...what a thing to think about. What started this process was my visit to Dodici Shop with Amanda last weekend. Our dear friend Alex was educating Amanda about plastic in the sea that is twice the size of Texas. So, of course I did some research and was shocked. If you Google "garbage in the sea" and watch a little youtube you will see what Alex was talking about. Also visit
Have you ever visited your local dump sight? Large dumbsters lined up full of garbage bags with who knows what in them. Plastic, cans, paper and numerous other stuff filled to the rim in those big black bags. Each week I take my garbage to the dump so I am constantly reminded to RECYCLE!
OUR COMMUNITY...we do have such a wonderful community! Saturday morning we attended a breakfast at Faith Baptist Church for Little Eden. I had a hard time holding back the tears as I watched so many volunteers devoting their time for a great cause. Why...because their hearts are filled with love!
FACEBOOK, BLOG, EMAIL, GOOGLE SEARCHES....COMPUTERS! As I sit here doing my viral marketing and computer research time slips away! Time that should be spent with family, baking cookies, custard or reading a good book.
Bouncing thoughts....oh my.
I ended my walk and attempted to go to the grocery store with my 70 lb Pete still in the Jeep. I was only going to get milk and eggs which should only have taken 10 minutes but of course I visit with all the nice people. I then spotted a beautiful little girl and said to myself...I want to photograph her. I went to the parking lot to calm Mr. Pete and waited for the little girl and her parents so I could approach these strangers and a plead with them to take her picture. My kids and pseudo kids would say...."you are so weird".
It has been an interesting day. I should be writing about photography and uploading beautiful images for you to see because I am sure that is why you stopped by. I wander how much I will edit this post or maybe even delete it all.
For you Miss Elisabeth...I will not delete.
Have a great week! I will upload a few love pictures to leave you with. Thanks for listening and feel free to leave me a post even if its to say... "you are weird".
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