Tuesday, May 5, 2009

WHS Prom

Last Saturday Rachel, Amanda and I photographed some WHS prom girls and their dates. It all started with my SENIOR clients requesting that Drish Photography take prom pictures in THE APARTMENT. Well, word spread and we had several calls for appointments and sadly we had to turn a few away.

It was a beautiful day so of course we did not simply photograph in THE APARTMENT but we had a lot of fun outside as well. After grand march we traveled to Iowa City to meet up with a large group at Iowa Light and Power to photograph them along the river.

It was a full Saturday of fun! I love watching young people laugh and enjoy life. The girls especially love so much getting all dressed up with the fancy dresses and shoes. I could have spent hours simply photographing the little details of each one...including their fingernails.

I have many more pictures to process so stay in touch over the next few days.

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